Kamis, 05 Juni 2014



TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) merupakan test yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan seseorang dalam berbahasa Inggris. Test ini ditujukan bagi orang yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa ibu. Umumnya, test ini digunakan sebagai salah satu prasyarat bagi seseorang yang ingin melanjutkan studi atau bekerja di suatu negara yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam komunikas sehari-hari. Selain TOEFL, masih ada beberapa jenis test lain yang hampir sama, yaitu IELTS, TOEIC dan ESOL. TOEFL dikembangkan dan dikeluarkan oleh ETS (Educational Testing Service) yang berpusat di New Jersey, USA. Test ini pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1963.
Saat ini ada 3 macam test TOEFL yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS, yaitu PBT (Paper Based Test) TOEFL, CBT (Computer Based Test) TOEFL dan iBT (internet Based Test) TOEFL. Dari tiga tipe ini, yang sering digunakan adalah PBT dan iBT.

a.      PBT TOEFL
PBT merupakan bentuk TOEFL Test yang menggunakan lembar jawaban berupa kertas. Ini merupakan sistem test pertama yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS. Dalam PBT, test yang dilakukan meliputi listening, structure dan reading. Rentangan skor yang diberikan adalah 310-677. Selain itu, waktu yang diberikan untuk mengerjakan test ini sekitar 2-2,5 jam. Tapi, sejak bulan April 2006, test ini sudah tidak digunakan lagi di Indonesia. Saat ini, test ini masih digunakan di negara yang belum memiliki sistem test iBT.

b.      CBT TOEFL
CBT merupakan test yang tak lagi menggunakan kertas. Semua test dilakukan dalam suatu komputer menggunakan software tertentu. Sistem test ini muncul pada tahun 1998. Kemampuan yang diujikan meliputi listening, structure, reading dan writing. Pada sistem ini, rentangan skornya adalah 0-300 dengan waktu pengerjaan antara 2-2,5 jam.

c.       IBT TOEFL
Test dengan sistem iBT merupakan test yang paling populer dan banyak digunakan. Sistem test ini juga berbasis komputer, hanya saja test ini terhubung dengan jaringan internet, dengan demikian, test dilakukan secara online. Sistem test ini mulai dipublikasikan dan digunakan pada tahun 2005, tapi baru digunakan di Indonesia pada tahun 2006. Kemampuan yang diujikan meliputi reading, listening, writing dan speaking. Walau sistem ini banyak digunakan, tapi masih ada beberapa negara yang menggunakan sistem PBT.
Pada awalnya, TOEFL memang digunakan untuk mereka yang ingin melanjutkan studi, mengajukan beasiswa atau bekerja di negara lain yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa komunikasi sehari-hari. Seiring perkembangan jaman, test ini semakin berkembang dan menjadi salah satu prasyarat penting dalam dunia pendidikan dan bisnis. Di Indonesia, test ini mulai digunakan oleh beberapa universitas terkemuka sebagai salah satu syarat masuk serta syarat untuk bisa menjalani ujian skripsi, desertasi atau tesis. Beberapa perusahaan juga menjadikan TOEFL test sebagai prasyarat untuk melamar pekerjaan. Bahkan, test ini juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan promosi kenaikan jabatan dalam pekerjaan.
Untuk menjalani test TOEFL, sejauh ini telah ada beberapa situs resmi yang tersedia di Indonesia. Namun, hasil test ini tidak berlaku selamanya. Pada umumnya, hasil test hanya berlaku sampai satu atau dua tahun dan seseorang bisa mengikuti test hingga berkali-kali. Umumnya, biaya test sekitar $150 – $250. Biaya test pada umumnya berbeda di masing-masing negara. Karena harga yang cukup mahal, saat ini ada banyak perguruan tinggi atau lembaga bahasa yang menyediakan pelatihan TOEFL test serta pre-test sehingga seseorang bisa mempersiapkan diri sebelum menjalani test yang sebenarnya.

Tujuan Test TOEFL

TOEFL memiliki dua tujuan umum yaitu: Academic dan General.Tujuan akademik TOEFL adalah untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian atau yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan akademis di luar negeri, ataupun di Indonesia. Untuk paska sarjana, biasanya nilai minimal adalah 550 sedangkan untuk S1 adalah 500.
Tujuan umum (general) pada umumnya digunakan dalam bidang pekerjaan, kenaikan pangkat atau tugas kerja. Banyak perusahaan yang memasang standar bahasa inggris karyawannya dengan melihat nilai TOEFL. Umumnya, nilai TOEFL minimal adalah 500 untuk kenaikan pangkat standar.
TOEFL adalah singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language (Test Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing), yang diorganisir oleh sebuah lembaga di Amerika Serikat yang bernama ETS (Educational Testing Service).
Pada awalnya, TOEFL diperlukan bagi para pelajar di negara-negara yang bahasa utamanya bukan bahasa Inggris, tetapi ingin melanjutkan studi ke negara-negara yang bahasa resminya adalah bahasa Inggris, seperti Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan negara-negara Eropa Barat.
Ini diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa siswa-siswa dari negara berbahasa non-bahasa Inggris tersebut dapat mengikuti perkuliahan di negara berbahasa Inggris dengan baik. Antara lain untuk :

a.      Memastikan bahwa mahasiswa tersebut memahami uraian yang diberikan dosen dalam     bahasa Inggris (listening skill).
b.      Mahasiswa memahami buku-buku textbook yang diwajibkan (reading skill).
c.       Mahasiswa mampu membuat tulisan ilmiah dengan tatabahasa yang benar (writing & grammar skill)

·        Toefl merupakan proficiency test, maksudnya tes yang baru digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang tanpa dikaitkan secara langsung dengan proses belajar mengajar. Toefl sendiri berbeda dengan achievement test, yaitu tes yang lingkup ujinya terbatas pada bahan yang telah dipelajari siswa dalam satu kelas bahasa inggris. Toefl mencakup empat aspek yaitu (1) Listening Comprehension, (2) Structure and Written Expression, (3) Reading Comprehension, dan yang terakhir yaitu (4) Test of Written English (TWE).
Dalam Toefl ada 3 macam tes yaitu International Toefl Test, Institutional Toefl Test, dan Toefl Like Test. Perbedaannya adalah bahwa soal International Toefl selalu dalam bentuk baru dalam setiap pelaksanaan tesnya, sedangkan soal Institutional Test dan Toefl Like Test bersumber pada soal-soal beberapa tahun sebelumnya dari International Toefl Test.

·        Struktur TOEFL
Ada tiga bagian tes TOEFL yang harus dikerjakan oleh peserta. Bagian pertama adalah soal-soal yang mengukur kemampuan Listening Comprehension (50 soal), Structure & Written Expression (40 soal), dan Reading Comprehension (50 soal). Keseluruhan soal dibuat dalam bentuk pilihan berganda. Keseluruhan tes berlangsung kurang lebih 150 menit, untuk Paper Based TOEFL, dan kurang lebih 240 menit untuk Computer Based TOEFL.

·        Contoh soal TOEFL
Listening: Part A
In this part you will see short conversations between two people. Choose the best answer
to each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers.

1. Woman: Pardon me. Do you know what time that this store opens?
Man: I do not, but I believe that it is written on the door.
Narrator: What does the man imply that the woman should do?
a. Look on the door
b. Open the door
c. Ask someone else
d. Come back later

Jawaban a.

2. Woman: I am going to buy Johnny a toy train for his birthday.
Man: Are you sure he’d like one?
Narrator: What does the man imply?
a. Johnny loves toy trains
b. Johnny already has too many toy trains
c. Johnny said he wants a toy train
d. Johnny may prefer something else

Jawaban d.

3. Man: I need some shampoo for my hair.
Woman: All of the shampoo is in the back of the store on the third shelf.
Narrator: What will the man probably do?
a. Walk out of the store
b. Buy the shampoo
c. Come back later
d. Go to another store

Jawaban b.

4. Man: Are you going to go to the University of Texas to get your Doctorate?
Woman: I don’t think so.
Man: Why, have you been accepted to any other schools?
Woman: Yes, I have received news of acceptance from LSU, University of
Tennessee, and Harvard.Narrator: What are the speakers discussing?
a. The University of Texas
b. Schools with Doctorate programs
c. Where the woman will go to school
d. Who can get accepted to the most schools

Jawaban c.
5. Man: I’m really tired on studying for economics every weekend.
Woman: I hear you.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has excellent hearing
b. She has heard the man talk about this frequently
c. She understands his point of view
d. She needs to have her ears checked

Jawaban c.

6. Man: We are going to get ice cream. Would you like to come with us?
Woman: I am waiting for a package to be delivered.
Narrator: What does the woman imply?
a. She does not eat ice cream
b. She has no money
c. She does not like packages
d. She will not be going

Jawaban d.

7. Woman: Are you going to go to the ball game?
Man: You bet!
Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. He will place a wager on the ball game
b. He will definitely go to the ball game
c. He likes to gamble
d. He does not like ball games

Jawaban b.

8. Man: That’s a nice car.
Woman: I got it almost four years ago.
Man. It looks brand new.
Woman: Yes, it’s in good shape.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. The woman needs a new car
b. She likes to exercise
c. She has a new car
d. The car is in good condition

Jawaban d.

9. Man: Did you get you movie passes?
Woman: I spoke to your secretary about it, and she took care of it for me.
Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. The secretary was responsible for getting the movie passes
b. The are no movie passes
c. He has the movie passes
d. The movie passes are in the mail

Jawaban a.

10. Man: How do you like living in America?
Woman: I am used to it know.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has always liked living in America
b. She hates living in America
c. She is accustomed to living in America
d. She would rather live in America

Jawaban c.

11. Woman: Marie sure likes shopping.
Man: If only she liked doing homework as well!
Narrator: What does the man imply about Marie?
a. She is very likeable
b. She does not put much effort into her homework
c. She goes to the mall everyday
d. She has a lot of homework

Jawaban b.

12. Man: I thought I was supposed to perform the experiment in Room 45.
Woman: No. Ticket 45 is in Room 54.
Narrator: What will the man probably do?
a. Go to Room 54
b. Go to Room 45
c. Buy a ticket
d. Go home

Jawaban a.

13. Man: Did you know that Tracey and Bob are back from their honeymoon to Las
Woman: So they did get married after all.
Narrator: What had the woman assumed about Tracey and Bob?
a. They were still in Las Vegas
b. They would not get married
c. They had a spectacular wedding
d. They hate Las Vegas

Jawaban b.
14. Man: Do you usually take a nap?
Woman: I do now and then.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She occasionally takes a nap
b. She always takes a nap
c. She never takes a nap
d. She used to take a nap

Jawaban a.

15. Man: Can you believe it? I got an A on my Finance exam
Woman: Way to go!
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She is asking where to go
b. She wants him to leave her alone
c. She is congratulating him
d. She thinks he is a liar

Jawaban c.

16. Man: How did the job interview go?
Woman: I could not have been more pleased.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. The interview went very well
b. The woman did not like the interview
c. The interview was cancelled
d. The interview went terrible

Jawaban a.

17. Man: Do you mind if I turn on some music for a while?
Woman: No, I don’t mind.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. Music will not bother her
b. She hates listening to music
c. She wants to think harder
d. She does not have any music

Jawaban a.

Listening: Part B
In this part you will see several longer conversations and talks. You should answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers in the conversation or talks.
Narrator: Listen to a lecture by a biology instructor.Many people think of gorillas as dangerous killers. One reason for this is that television and movies often show these animals this way. But gorillas are really gentle animals.The gorilla is a vegetarian. It lives in the African rain forests where it finds the fruits and plants it needs to survive. A large, wild gorilla might eat over 40 pounds of leaves and fruit in one day. Unfortunately, these peaceful creatures are in danger of becoming extinct. Each year, large areas of the rain forests are being cut down. Because there is less and less food from these forests, the number of wild gorillas is becoming smaller and smaller.

18. The passage describes gorillas as being:
a. Dangerous killers
b. Carnivores
c. TV and movie stars
d. Gentle animals

Jawaban d.

19. According to the passage, why are gorillas in danger?
a. Because people keep hunting them.
b. Because they eat too much.
c. Because forests get too much rain.
d. Because their food supply is being destroyed.

Jawaban d.

20. If something is becoming extinct, it is:
a. Becoming lively.
b. Dying out.
c. Growing wild.
d. Getting sick.

Jawaban b.

Narrator: Listen to the conversation between two graduate students.
Woman: What did you think about the assignment we were supposed to complete for our
statistics class?
Man: I haven’t done mine yet. Is it difficult?
Woman: Kind of. It was full of problems.
Man: Derivative problems?
Woman: Not really, More a review of the whole semester.
Man: Oh.
Woman: It was time consuming.
Man: Really?
Woman. Yes. I started it at about lunch time and didn’t finish it until supper.
Man: I’m surprised at that.
Woman: I was too, I did not expect our professor would give us so much.
Man: He usually doesn’t.
Woman: I know. That is why I was surprised.
Man: Well, I do have some free time this afternoon. Do you know when it is due?
Woman: Tomorrow.
Man: Well, I better get moving.

21. What was on the assignment?
a. Derivative problems
b. A review of the whole semester
c. What was for lunch
d. A surprise

jawaban b.

22. What did the students find surprising?
a. The length of the assignment
b. The problems
c. Lunch
d. The professor

jawaban a.

23. What did the woman start at lunchtime?
a. The assignment
b. Derivative problems
c. Eating
d. A surprise

jawaban a.

24. What will the man probably do next?
a. Eat supper
b. Move out
c. Complete the assignment
d. Ask the woman to supper

jawaban c

Narrator: Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a clerk in a college
Man: I need to buy an basic English textbook.
Woman: Okay. What is the course number?
Man: You mean there is more than one
Woman: Sure. We offer Poetry, Writing, and Literature.
Man. If I take Poetry will we write sonnets?
Woman: Not really. The Poetry class is very basic rhyming.
Man: Great. That is what I wanted to hear. How much is that one?
Woman: It’s twenty-nine dollars, plus a ten-dollar notebook fee.
Man: Wait a minute, can’t I just use my own notebook.
Woman: Most students prefer the special poetry notebook, so we made it a requirement.
Man: Okay. I’ll take one Poetry book and notebook. Do you take credit cards?
Woman: Yes, but you don’t have to pay now. Just fill out this form and we will bill you.
Man: Sounds great.

25. What kind of English textbook does the man decide to buy?
a. Writing
b. Literature
c. Poetry
d. Sonnets

jawaban c.

Contoh Soal Toefl Dan Pembahasannya
1.  The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick, New York, in
                       A                                     B                           C                         D
Answer : B (it was)
 The use of the pronoun subject it is unnecessary; it should be omitted.

2. The French Quarter is the most famous and the most old section of New Orleans.
                                       A              B                       C                             D
Answer : C (most old)
 The superlative form of a one-syllable adjective (old) is formed with the suffix -est: oldest.

3. Liquids take the shape of any container which in they are placed.
                              A           B                     C                        D
Answer : C (which)
 in The preposition must precede the relative pronoun: in which.

4. Physical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies after disease or injure.
                                                           A              B                         C                       D
Answer : D (injure)
 A noun (injury), not a verb (injure), is required.

5. In the south-western part of the United States, most of the watercomes
      A                                                                                       B
 the Colorado River and the manmade lakes created from it.
C                                                                      D                            
Answer : (C) comes of
Grammar : the correct answer is “comes from” because it’s explain prepositions of place positions
6. Bill Clinton, that won the 1992 presidential election, was
                                A                                           B                     C
governor of the state of Arkansas.
Answer : (A) that
Grammar : the correct answer is “who” because it’s explain adjective clause

7. The hard palate….. between the mouth and nasal passage
a. Forming a partition
b. A partition forms
c. Forms a partition
d. A form and partition
(C) Because it uses the present tense using the verb 1 and to be is

8. ……….. the outermost layer of skin, is abaout as thick as sheet of paper over most of the skin
a. It is epidermis
b. The epidermis
c. In the epidermis
d. The epidermis is
(D) Because it uses the present tense using the verb 1 and to be is

9. During the Precambrian period, the earth’s curst formed, and life……. In the seas
a. First appeared
b. The first appear
c. The first appearance
d. Appearing first
(A) Because using the verb 3

10. Before the statue of liberty in the united states, newspaper invited the public to help determine where….. .placed after its arrival
a. Should the statue be
b. The statue being
c. It should be the statue
d. The statue should be
(D) Because the use of past continuous tense is future shoud +be


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