Minggu, 22 Juni 2014


Dreams experienced during sleep can have much meaning or significance. But the dream is not just a flower bed, because there are health benefits to be had from a dream.The dream could be a symbol of expression of concern experienced by a person in real life. And this is a subconscious experience involving sight, hearing, thinking, feeling or other senses when sleeping, especially when accompanied by rapid eye movements (rapid eye movement / REM sleep).

Researcher Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, professor of psychology at Rush University in Chicago said that the dream may be a means in terms of overcoming the tension and stress experienced in life."Dreams can make a person has an internal therapist, because there is a relationship between a dream with the same feeling before. So dreams can help reduce emotional stress in the morning," he said, as quoted by WebMD, Wednesday (12/1/2011).

The subconscious mind will work as a psychotherapist who can analyze psychological problems, as well as reveal a thing or feeling buried. Because the dream can keep a person from illness or mental disorder that could threaten the stability of a person's mental. Dream experienced important to strengthen memory, resolve conflicts and Cartwright have found clues that dreams can help in terms of setting the mood (mood).

In a recent study involving women who are divorced, Cartwright and colleagues found that women who dream more likely to recover from depression than women who do not dream or can not remember his dream. This suggests that dreaming can also help alleviate depression."It really shows that something is working continuously all night and could eventually eliminate his depression," said Cartwright.Meanwhile, according to the National Sleep Foundation, people spend more than two hours to dream every night, and the most vivid dreams occur when a person enters sleep.

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