Minggu, 22 Juni 2014


Durian Fruit For Health Benefits Body | do you know durian? Emm ... imagining it already makes saliva hatch right?. As information Durian is the name of a tropical plant that originated from Southeast Asia, is at once the name given to the fruit that can be eaten. Durian fruit has a characteristic hard outer shell and grooved to resemble sharp thorns. Popular name for this fruit is the "King of Fruit" or "King of All Fruits".
Speaking of Durian certainly important for us to know manafaat and its properties, as well as additional insight, knowing Durian Fruit For Health Benefits body will certainly make you more excited about eating the flesh of the fruit with the texture is soft and pungent.

Here’s to your Health Benefits of Durian Fruit Body 
1. Preventing anemia
Durian Fruit Benefits for Health is the first body to prevent anemia. Mineral content of manganese, copper, iron and magnesium in durian are very beneficial in helping the body produce hemoglobin in red blood production.  
2. Prevent stress
Durian Fruit for Health Benefits The second is to menghilagkan Stress. Durian fruit contains potassium, which is one of the vital minerals. Klaium helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain, as well as the source of the water balance in the body. When a person is stressed, the body's metabolism increases, thereby reducing potassium levels. It can be in balance again with consume durian fruit. 

3. Reducing the risk of stroke
Durian Fruit For Health Benefits Body then is to reduce the risk of stroke. Who is not afraid of a stroke?, Stroke is the world's most lethal killer after heart disease. According to research in The New England
Journal of Medicine states that eating durian as part of the daily menu can decimate the risk of stroke by 40%.

4. Inflammation of the digestive tract
Durian Fruit Health Benefits For the next body is as preventing foods intestinal pain, because the durian has a soft and creamy texture. Durian is the only fresh fruit that can be eaten directly in cases of chronic disease. In addition to soft texture, Durian fruit also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the abdominal wall.

5. Controlling diet
Obesity and diet you intend? try consume durian. A study at the Institute of Psychology in Austria said that the pressures of work to encourage someone to continue eating and snacking causing kegemuan. The results of another study concluded that to avoid snacking, we need to eat foods that are high carbohydrate every 2 hours to maintain the stability of the body, and the fruit Durian is the right choice, because it has a carbohydrate content of 20% to 39% of that required by the body. 

6. Launching CHAPTER
Constipation? Don’t worry, because the benefits of Durian fruit following is launched BAB (defecation). Durian fruit contain high fiber so it can equalize metabolic processes (digestion body) and launched CHAPTER. 

7. Improving the nervouse system
Other benefits of Durian fruit is to repair the nervous system. Durian fruit contains vitamin B which is quite high and can help cure or improvement of human nerve.
Even so information about the durian fruit which we shared with the title "For Health Benefits of Durian Fruit Body", hopefully this information can benefit us all.


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