Kamis, 17 April 2014



A few months ago, i went to Puncak with my boyfriend for refreshing. We went just for one day. We went in the rainy season, but the day when I went the weather is good. We decide to played in nature. We visited Wisata Matahari, walking around for saw the view mountain, play gokart and rafting. That’s my first time for rafting, actually I was scared. Because the weather was good and the water flow was neap, finally we rafted. I can’t handle the boat, i just help the guide. I was followed his intructing, when the boat crash the rock just put the paddles up let he turned the boat. But when boat glides, he shout that... “Dayung!.. Dayung!.. Ayo didayung lagi!..” So exciting!! It was so fun!

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